"Unlocking the Future of Work: Discover Cutting-Edge Strategies to Captivate, Cultivate, and Retain Top Talent in an Evolving Workplace."

"Unlocking the Future of Work:
Discover Cutting-Edge Strategies to Captivate, Cultivate, and Retain Top Talent in an Evolving Workplace."

Earn Your Certified Professional Culture Curator (CPCC) Credential and Master the Art of Crafting an Irresistible Workplace Where Top Performers Thrive

Prepare to revolutionize your leadership approach with an immersive 3-day experience that goes beyond traditional training. Master the art of navigating complexity, igniting engagement, and aligning purpose, people, and performance to construct an agile, resilient organization where exceptional talent flourishes under your visionary leadership.

Go Beyond Change Management

This is like treating the symptoms while ignoring the root causes.

Avoid "Vision Drift" In Your Organization

Don't let the heart and essence of your organization fade out.

Shelley Smith, CEO, Premier Rapport and Creator of the CPCC Program



Shelley has guided 150+ companies with thousands of employees to successfully analyze, curate, and create better company cultures.

Forget Everything You Think You Know About Transforming Your Organization's Culture

This isn't about applying a superficial fix to deep-rooted challenges. It's like we've been playing a game of checkers, and now it's time to master the art of 3D chess infused with a touch of magic.

Envision a workplace where your team seamlessly aligns, as if guided by an underlying rhythm that synchronizes everyone's efforts, making adaptability and growth as effortless as breathing.

Imagine being the catalyst for this transformation, the visionary leader who orchestrates a cultural revolution.

But this isn't about adding more responsibilities to your already full plate. It's about uncovering the hidden pathway to success that's been right in front of us all along.

It's about guiding your team to truly connect on a level where common workplace complaints dissolve into a distant memory.

This is a fresh perspective, like a light suddenly illuminating a room that's been shrouded in darkness. It's not just another "follow these steps" guidebook.

It's a transformative journey that unlocks a new language of growth and connection, positioning your organization as the one everyone aspires to be a part of.

No false promises, no hidden agendas. Just a genuine, eye-opening revelation on how we can all elevate our workplaces and achieve extraordinary results, together.

Who The CPCC Program Is For

The CPCC Program is designed for visionary leaders, HR professionals, and executives who recognize the critical importance of culture in driving organizational success. It's for those who refuse to settle for the status quo and are committed to creating a workplace that attracts, develops, and retains top talent in an ever-evolving business landscape.

  • Talent Managers and Leadership Developers: You understand that the key to success lies in your people. You're dedicated to attracting the best, nurturing their growth, and developing the next generation of leaders who can navigate the complexities of the modern workplace.

  • Agility and Adaptability Champions: You know that the ability to pivot quickly is essential in today's fast-paced world. You're looking for strategies to foster a culture of experimentation, calculated risk-taking, and decentralized decision-making that enables your organization to stay ahead of the curve.

  • Employee Engagement and Culture Advocates: You believe in the power of a positive, inclusive workplace culture to drive engagement, productivity, and innovation. You're committed to creating an environment where everyone feels valued, supported, and connected, whether they're working in-person or remotely.

  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Leaders: You recognize that a diverse, equitable, and inclusive workplace isn't just a moral imperative - it's a strategic advantage. You're looking for ways to embed DEI principles into your organization's DNA and create a culture where everyone can thrive..

  • Organizational Alignment Seekers: You understand the importance of aligning your team around a shared vision, purpose, and set of values. You're looking for tools to create clarity, inspire commitment, and empower your people to work towards a common goal.

  • Future of Work Navigators: You know that the world of work is changing rapidly, and you're determined to stay ahead of the curve. You're looking for cutting-edge strategies to adapt to new realities, such as hybrid work models, upskilling and reskilling initiatives, and the integration of technology into the workplace.

Discover the Key to Unleashing Your Organization's True Genius

Culture Curators
The Catalyst for Cultivating Excellence and Driving Transformative Change

Revolutionize Your Business:
The Untapped Power of Certified Culture Curators

New Era of Business:
Mastering Organizational Success With Culture Curators

Success Stories:
Dramatic Turnarounds Powered by Culture

Investing In Culture:

The Secret Weapon to Business Success in The Modern World

Transformational Experiences: The Ripple Effect of Positive Culture to Customer Satisfaction

Overcoming Resistance: Effective Strategies for Redefining Corporate Culture

Embrace the Vanguard of Organizational Development

The CPCC Difference

A Visionary Approach to Revolutionizing Workplace Culture

Beyond Traditional Training:

Discover CPCC's Groundbreaking Methods

Innovative Culture Shift:

How CPCC Reshapes Organizational Landscapes

Starting The CPCC Journey: Transforming Organizational Culture From Day One

The CPCC Advantage:
Tailoring Cultural Success in Any Business Landscape

Cultural Evolution:
Making CPCC's Cultural Changes Stick Long-Term


Creating A Powerful Alliance for Organizational Health

Certified Professional Culture Curator Program

Embark on a Transformative Journey of Personal and Professional Renaissance

Step into the CPCC Program and prepare for an experience that transcends traditional professional development. This is a metamorphosis of the highest order. Immerse yourself in the art and science of reshaping workplace dynamics, weaving a narrative that not only catapults your career to new heights but also redefines the very essence of leadership through vision, empathy, and innovation.

Dynamic Learning for a World That Never Slows

Get ready for an exhilarating three-day adventure, accessible wherever you are, be it in the flesh or digitally. You'll get hands-on with our unique frameworks: the ACC system, the IMPACT method, and the EEM & AWC processes. These aren't just acronyms; they're your new best friends in navigating the challenges of today's workplaces.

Step Up, And Stand Out As The Leader You Are

As a Certified Culture Curator, you'll emerge as a beacon of change. This title isn't just a certificate to hang on your wall. It's a declaration of your ability and commitment to weave the fabric of a vibrant, cohesive workplace culture. You'll be the go-to expert, turning the complex language of organizational dynamics into compelling narratives that captivate and convince.

Be the Architect of Meaningful Change

Arm yourself with a toolkit designed not just for initiating change, but for guiding it to fruition with finesse and measurable impact. You'll gain deep insights into the 'why,' 'when,' and 'how' of cultural evolution, ensuring that every step you take is in perfect harmony with your organization's heartbeat and aspirations.

Elevate Your Organization to New Levels of Success and Prosperity

The Certified Professional Culture Curator program stands at the vanguard of ushering in a new era of organizational brilliance. This isn't about merely changing the game; it's about engineering an entirely new arena where innovation flourishes and growth knows no limits. With CPCC, you're not simply navigating the tides of the business world; you're pioneering a daring expedition towards a groundbreaking workplace culture that will redefine industry standards and leave a lasting legacy of excellence.

Catalyze Growth and Increase Profitability

Embrace the CPCC Program's groundbreaking principles and watch as your organization transforms before your eyes. This isn't just about working smarter; it's about synergizing efforts to unlock explosive productivity that propels revenue and fortifies your financial foundation.

Become The Top Talent Magnet In Your Industry

Imagine a workplace that doesn't just draw talent, but captivates the hearts and minds of the industry's finest. That's the power of a meticulously crafted culture. With CPCC's insights, your organization will shine, attracting and securing the crème de la crème of your field.

Navigate the Future with Unmatched Precision

Armed with the CPCC Program's advanced strategic tools and techniques, craft a future that others can only dream of. This is about bringing every layer of your organization into alignment with a vision so compelling, so purpose-driven, that success becomes not just a goal, but an inevitable outcome.

Certified Professional Culture Curator Program

Learning Objectives

Here's what you can expect to learn by the end of this 3-day training experience:
  • Master the ACC System® for peak organizational performance - pinpoint and tackle stressors at their source before they escalate.

  • Harness the IMPACT Model™ for flawless strategy execution - anticipate and navigate every step with precision in any scenario.

  • Implement the ACC System® instantly - apply it to a current challenge during our program and emerge with a clear, actionable plan.

  • Gain fluency in culture analysis to navigate and refine your workplace dynamics, moving beyond crisis management to strategic growth.

  • Articulate the ROI of a robust workplace culture with confidence, streamlining your business case presentations to leadership and peers.

  • Excel in proactive cultural strategies, staying ahead of challenges and fostering a cohesive, high-performing team environment.

  • Earn your Professional Culture Curator certification and join an elite community for continuous support and networking.

  • Leave equipped with a comprehensive toolkit and access to a network of experts, ensuring sustained success in nurturing your workplace culture.

  • Master the ACC System® to drive personal transformations effortlessly, ensuring seamless change and unwavering buy-in.

Program Agenda

Here's how we'll help you make the most of our time together during training:

Day 1

  • Why workplace culture?

  • The ROI to effective change

  • The ACC System ® Methodology

  • IMPACT Model™ Processes

  • Employee Empathy Mapping

  • 5-Step Framework inspection of Workplace Culture

  • Preparing for the System

Day 2

  • Analyzing where are you now behaviors, mission, vision, values, culture...

  • Self and Team

  • Department and Organization

  • Curating

    - What have I learned?

    - Where are my gaps?

    - What do I see and where do I need to go?

  • How will I know it’s working?

Day 3

  • Creating

    - Gaps

    - Measurements

  • Strategy and Execution

  • Accountability

  • When you return

    - Activities

    - Habits

    - Membership (your tribe)

  • Exam & Graduation

There's More!

Elevate Your Journey with Exclusive CPCC Program Bonuses!

Ready for an extra boost? We've packed the CPCC Program with three spectacular bonuses to turbocharge your journey to cultural mastery!

$2,995 VALUE*

3 one-on-one Personalized Coaching Sessions

Get three personalized coaching sessions with none other than Shelley Smith, the visionary behind the Certified Professional Culture Curator Program. Imagine having direct access to Shelley's treasure trove of insights, guiding you through the nuances of applying your newfound skills to spark real change.

$650 VALUE*

Culture Curator Membership 6 mo Complimentary Access

There are plenty, but perhaps the CORE benefit of having access to the Culture Curators Membership is that you’ll either identify yourself OR someone else as your designated proxy to assess and affect your company culture. Just taking this first step in membership will be a giant step forward in keeping a consistent eye on culture.

$4,638 VALUE*

Group Analytics of Your Immediate Team Dynamic

Peel back the layers of your team's dynamics with a comprehensive Group Analytics assessment. Understand the core behavioral drives that fuel your team's actions and desires, offering you an unparalleled perspective on how to motivate, engage, and inspire. With this powerful tool, you can unlock the full potential of your team and take your business to new heights.

Total BONUS Value = $8,283

That's an incredible value, and that's just for your BONUSES alone.

PLUS + You'll Also Receive Continuing Education Credits

Recognized by Premier Rapport, Inc., including HRCI & SHRM credits.
It's not just about learning; it's about earning recognition for your commitment to excellence.


Our Amazing Team

The CPCC program thrives under the expert guidance of Shelley Smith and Davis Smith. They are the heart of the CPCC experience, ensuring every participant undergoes a profound transformation. With vast expertise and a unified mission for organizational growth, they stand as pillars in your CPCC journey. Meet the dynamic duo committed to elevating your professional trajectory.

Shelley D. Smith

Expert Corporate Culture Curator & Adviser

Shelley D. Smith, best-selling author and CEO of Premier Rapport, boasts over 35 years of expertise as a renowned Workplace Culture Curator. Her hands-on approach involves delving deep with incisive questions to pinpoint challenges and growth opportunities.

Davis Smith

SVP of Operations for Premier Rapport, Inc

Davis Smith is the SVP of Operations at Premier Rapport, Inc. He collaborates with leaders to optimize hiring, enhance team management, and align teams with their core values and culture. Davis is the primary point of contact for the firm's daily operations.


Our Amazing Team

The CPCC program thrives under the expert guidance of Shelley Smith and Davis Smith. They are the heart of the CPCC experience, ensuring every participant undergoes a profound transformation. With vast expertise and a unified mission for organizational growth, they stand as pillars in your CPCC journey. Meet the dynamic duo committed to elevating your professional trajectory.

Shelley D. Smith

Expert Corporate Culture Curator & Adviser

Shelley D. Smith, best-selling author and CEO of Premier Rapport, boasts over 35 years of expertise as a renowned Workplace Culture Curator. Her hands-on approach involves delving deep with incisive questions to pinpoint challenges and growth opportunities.

Davis Smith

SVP of Operations for Premier Rapport, Inc

Davis Smith is the SVP of Operations at Premier Rapport, Inc. He collaborates with leaders to optimize hiring, enhance team management, and align teams with their core values and culture. Davis is the primary point of contact for the firm's daily operations.

As seen on


What do they say?

Hear what other business leaders have to say about their experiences working with Premier Rapport.

Ken Kovach
CHRO, B. F. Saul Company & Affiliates

"I am always impressed by the understanding that Shelley has of our culture and the leadership/development needs throughout our organization. Shelley is very quick to connect and offer processes that assist in our strategy development as we continue to move our talent management programs forward."

Jason Jones
President B.F. Saul Insurance

“Shelley is a consummate professional with a practical and positive approach. I really appreciate her energy. She has been instrumental helping our team with several training and professional development initiatives, including Predictive Index and presentation skills. I would highly recommend her. Her team dynamics and culture work is on point.”

Paul R. Olsen

Mitsubishi Chemical America

"I wanted to take this opportunity to share that our VPP certification audit finished today, and I am pleased to inform you that MCA-ALPOLIC has been recommended as a VPP Star site. This is a tremendous recognition and acknowledgement of the cultural changes and hard work the entire ALPOLIC team has undertaken to get our facility safety to this point. Thank you for guiding us on this journey."


Your Investment In Unparalleled Professional Growth

Measuring the Impact: How CPCC Delivers Clear ROI

The CPCC program isn't just another course; it's a transformative journey. The skills, insights, and strategies you'll acquire are designed to bring tangible, lasting change to your organization and your professional trajectory.

Programs with the depth, expertise, and transformative potential of the CPCC often come with a price tag upwards of $15,000. We've witnessed the immense value and impact this program brings, and we believe in making it accessible to dedicated professionals who are truly committed to fostering change.

Including The Total BONUS Value of $8,283...

The Retail Value of The CPCC Program is $27,280

With a real world retail value of over $27,280 including the 3 amazing bonuses you'll receive…

You're getting a savings of over $17,283 or 63% off!

Your Investment for The CPCC Program Is Only: $9,997

This isn't just a cost; it's an investment in your future, in the success of your organization, and in the well-being of every individual under its umbrella.

Invest In Your Future With Tailored Payment Options:

We believe every passionate professional should have the chance to unlock the CPCC Program's transformative potential. That's why we've crafted flexible payment solutions just for you:

1. Your Preferred Payment Plan: Opt for a hassle-free One-Time Payment and embark on your CPCC journey immediately. Alternatively, ease into the program with our Two-Payment Plan, dividing your investment equally. Just remember, the initial 50% confirms your exclusive spot.

2. Convenient Payment Methods:
Credit Card: Swift, secure, and straightforward.
ACH: Direct and devoid of complications.
Check: Time-tested and trusted.

Please note: All payments must be completed before the commencement of the class. This ensures a seamless and focused learning experience for you.

Performance-Based Guarantee:

We're confident in the CPCC program's value and transformative power. If, after fully engaging with the course and its assignments, you don't see the path to a thriving, adaptive culture within 60 days, we offer an instant refund, no questions asked, provided you've actively participated according to our guidelines. It’s risk-free!

Performance Standards

Complete Engagement: Attend all sessions, whether a 3-day intensive or the 6-week virtual course.

Achieve Mastery: Score 85% or higher on our comprehensive final exam.

Program Requirements

You must meet at least one of the following qualifications to be considered for the CPCC Program.

  • Must be a leader/decision maker for your department with at least 5 years of leadership experience.

  • An HR/Culture professional with at least 5 years of experience.

  • A business owner or executive with at least 50 employees.

  • For consultants to apply, you must have 10 years of consulting experience or equivalent background.

Frequently Asked Questions

What exactly does the CPCC program cover?

The CPCC program offers a comprehensive dive into workplace culture. Over three immersive days, participants will learn the ACC system, the IMPACT method, and the EEM & AWC processes. The program is designed to equip professionals with the tools and knowledge to cultivate a thriving, cohesive, and adaptive workplace culture.

Who is the CPCC program best suited for?

While anyone can benefit from the CPCC program, it's especially tailored for those responsible for driving team dynamics, strategies, execution, profit, and, most importantly, workplace culture. This includes leaders, HR professionals, and anyone passionate about organizational development.

Is the program offered both online and in-person?

Yes, the CPCC program is flexible and caters to your needs. You can choose to attend the three-day experiential program either in person or online, ensuring you get the best learning experience in the format that suits you.

What kind of post-program support can I expect?

After completing the CPCC program, you won't be left on your own. You'll have access to a wealth of resources, tools, and ongoing support to ensure you can confidently implement what you've learned and drive successful workplace culture in your organization.

How does the CPCC program differ from other workplace culture training programs?

The CPCC program is unique because it's not just about theories; it's about real-world solutions. Led by industry experts Shelley and Davis Smith, the program offers hands-on experience, actionable insights, and a proven roadmap to foster a thriving workplace culture. Plus, with our emphasis on both personal and organizational benefits, participants walk away with a holistic understanding of how to truly make an impact and the culture playbook to get there.

Does the CPCC program come with a guarantee?

Absolutely! We stand by the effectiveness and transformative power of the CPCC program. After diligently completing the assignments and meeting the Performance Standards during the program, if, within 60 days of enrolling, you don't feel like you're on the path to fostering a thriving, adaptive, and cohesive organizational culture, simply let us know. We're committed to your success and will work with you to address any concerns or provide additional support to ensure you get the most out of the program. Your growth and satisfaction are paramount to us. (Performance Standards: You must attend all 3 days of the course or 6 weeks of virtual course. You must pass the final learning exam of 90 questions with an 85% or higher.)

Get in touch

Email: shelley@premierrapport.com

Assistance Hours

Mon – Fri 9:00am – 5:00pm

Sunday – CLOSED

Phone Number:


125 Sandpiper St, Newport News, VA 23602, USA

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